Friday, May 8, 2009

Top 5 Websites!

Best Photo-Lauren

Best Layout-Zach

Best Eye catcher- James

Most interesting-Katie

Best Color- Dave

5 top BLOGS!

1) Katie Dupree

Katies blog was very interesting and I believe she did a great job.

Craft: She used a good amount of color which made the blog easy on the eye and easy to follow. there is not too much confusion.


It was arranged so that viewers were easily able to access her website and the sceme was varied. She used good formats to make it interesting.


her website is
check it out. it is interesting and it gives plenty of information about her life.

2) James Kline

James did a good job in using a variety of different ideas in his blog. It shows his personality and does not take away from the point he is trying to make.

the arrangement is very successful in that it is easy to view. The colors make it stand out where he wants his images or sentences to show importance.

Cool website!

was here friday at noon but it closed at noon.
I need three points to get an A and it would be really aprecciated!

Monday, April 27, 2009

week 14

To see my new site click HERE!

Week 15


Create Website using iWeb.


Use iWeb to create our own websites. We needed to make 5 different pages that displays all of the projects we completed in class throughout the year.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Week 13


Finalize our comic on the comic life program.


We used the comic life program to finish our final draft. We discussed what colors to use to create the mood and the shapes of our comic pictures. we needed to make our more obvious pictures stand out so we made them larger and made less pictures on one page so that it would be longer.


these photos were easy to tell the story of what we wanted to accomplish. the pictures easily portray the moral of the story and the lack of words make it more of a comic . the photos are good because the comic really doesnt need any sort of dialogue to give off the actual story.


we are trying to show how a man leaves his wife and son to go to the war oversea. she awaits his arrival and all she recieves is a flag stated that her husband died in battle. it is a sad story but an easy comic to figure out.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Week 12


To create a comic that tells o story of who is traveling , who is bringing a package, and who is recieving a package. 


We first used photoshop to create a series of 9-12 photos relating to our story. After we cropped the size and came up with the color , we needed to convert them to the comic life program. we used comic life to create a series of comics that we thought best suited our story. on monday, we voted as a class which comic needed the least amount of corrections made, and also gave constructive criticism on other classmates comics.


We chose the photos we did because we believed it would be easy to read. the story is simple with a twist ending and we believed that the photos could make a easily readable comic.


We are trying to show a sad mood with our colors. also we chose colors that would stand out against each other. our classmates eyes were easily drawn to the bright orange color and we got good reviews.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Week 11

Assignment: Work on Comic. Two colors and using comic life to make our final copies.

Craft: We critiqued our comics in the drawing room. Then we told each other constructive criticism on what we believed needed work and what else we could add. Today we will learn how to use the comic life program.

Composition: We chose these photos as our best because they portray the comic image and the colors match very well together.


We are trying to show a sad comic that is very easy to determine what is happening. we are having a competition to see whose is best so that we do not have to come to class next weekend.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Week 10


 12 slide comic book telling a story with one person waiting, one delivering a package, and one person traveling.


We used photoshop to create these pictures for the comic. we took about 15 pictures and chose which ones to use. then we decided what style or filter to use to make our pictures more realistic as a comic. once we found out what to use, we decided on the color purple as our back ground because it gave a sad mood. as a class we passed our stories around and gathered comments on what to make better in our stories.


We chose these photos as our best because it was easy to determine what we were trying to say. we only took about 15 photos so only about 3 had to be eliminated. The photos that had the strongest meaning were the ones that we decided to use.


We are trying to tell a story about a soldier that went oversea to fight in a war. he left behind his son and his fiance. she was waiting anxiously for his return and talked to him on the computer. one day an officer showed up with his dog tags and a folded flag and told her that he had died in battle.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Week 9


Work on Comic Books


Use light room to make our photos.  We used the filter bar to figure out which style we wanted to use. We wanted to use poster edges/ halftone pattern because it looks most like a cartoon.


Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Week 7

The assignment was to create a story that had to do with 3 people. 1 person was waiting. 1 person was traveling. 1 person was recieving a package.


In class we had to choose a partner. then we had to come up with a story over break that consited of the 3 people in acton. we chose between 9 or twelve slides and had to draw up a comic based on the slides we chose to use. we took several pictures to crate this comic and decided on twelve of them to use.


our story consisted of a man in the army who had a fiance andchild waiting forhim at home. he ends up being killed in action and the traveler was a sargeant reporting the the fiance that he was KIA and he gaveher afolded flag and his dog tags.


We are trying to establish a nervous moo thatend up being sad in the end. the comic will show how mny people go through this on a regular basis with amily members over sea in combat. it will contain may details on the mood of both the soldier and the family waiting back at home.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Week 6

(Photo will not upload)

Assignment: Create a first draft of several images put together to create a central point that the viewer will recognize and portray a certain message.

Craft: I first took pictures of several different things that I wanted to show regarding smoking and second hand smoke. I chose a few to add to my main background of two people smoking in front of a doorway.

Composition: These photos were the most reliable in making my point across to the viewer. I wanted to show how I hate second hand smoke especially every time i walk into a doorway.

Concept: I am basically trying to say how it is not fair to smoke around other people because it is an independent decision to smoke and it should not be in the position to harm others health.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Week 4

 Throughout the critique session i was able to let others know my opinion of their pieces and I received input of what others thought of mine. Mine was basically said to be ghostly and the technology in the background simulated what it would be like for Abe Lincoln and his buddies hanging out in today's era.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Week 3

Assignment: To combine one photo from the Abraham Lincoln Era with one photo from the recent era.

Craft: Used PhotoShop to combine two photos and my image consists of Abraham Lincoln with two collegues in the middle of a current SXU lobby with current technology.

Composition: I thought the two photos would be interesting to show the change in style and technology over time.

Concept: The three men have no cue that the future as they know it would appear this way and how much Abraham Lincoln has actuaully accomplished looking back on his leadership in the Civil War.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Week 2

Assignment: 25 old ( Lincoln Era)
25 new (my Era)

Craft: The way I did ths was by taking 25 pictures from everyday life andpop culture images in particular. The way i was able to get Lincoln era photos was by looking the up over the internet and gathering 25 extra large images from Lincoln's time.

Composition: The reson I chose these photos as my best i because both were appealing to me. Lincoln is on the battlegrounds in a nice suit while in the backround it is a complete mess with warfare. The nw era picture shows how much change has been made overtime, withcolor pictureand al of the technology that has been invented.

Concept: Basically i would mix them together to show a comparison from Lincoln's time to ur era. It would be interesting to see those three men in anew era sort of environment.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Assignment- Set up blog

