Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Week 7

The assignment was to create a story that had to do with 3 people. 1 person was waiting. 1 person was traveling. 1 person was recieving a package.


In class we had to choose a partner. then we had to come up with a story over break that consited of the 3 people in acton. we chose between 9 or twelve slides and had to draw up a comic based on the slides we chose to use. we took several pictures to crate this comic and decided on twelve of them to use.


our story consisted of a man in the army who had a fiance andchild waiting forhim at home. he ends up being killed in action and the traveler was a sargeant reporting the the fiance that he was KIA and he gaveher afolded flag and his dog tags.


We are trying to establish a nervous moo thatend up being sad in the end. the comic will show how mny people go through this on a regular basis with amily members over sea in combat. it will contain may details on the mood of both the soldier and the family waiting back at home.

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