Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Week 10


 12 slide comic book telling a story with one person waiting, one delivering a package, and one person traveling.


We used photoshop to create these pictures for the comic. we took about 15 pictures and chose which ones to use. then we decided what style or filter to use to make our pictures more realistic as a comic. once we found out what to use, we decided on the color purple as our back ground because it gave a sad mood. as a class we passed our stories around and gathered comments on what to make better in our stories.


We chose these photos as our best because it was easy to determine what we were trying to say. we only took about 15 photos so only about 3 had to be eliminated. The photos that had the strongest meaning were the ones that we decided to use.


We are trying to tell a story about a soldier that went oversea to fight in a war. he left behind his son and his fiance. she was waiting anxiously for his return and talked to him on the computer. one day an officer showed up with his dog tags and a folded flag and told her that he had died in battle.

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