Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Week 12


To create a comic that tells o story of who is traveling , who is bringing a package, and who is recieving a package. 


We first used photoshop to create a series of 9-12 photos relating to our story. After we cropped the size and came up with the color , we needed to convert them to the comic life program. we used comic life to create a series of comics that we thought best suited our story. on monday, we voted as a class which comic needed the least amount of corrections made, and also gave constructive criticism on other classmates comics.


We chose the photos we did because we believed it would be easy to read. the story is simple with a twist ending and we believed that the photos could make a easily readable comic.


We are trying to show a sad mood with our colors. also we chose colors that would stand out against each other. our classmates eyes were easily drawn to the bright orange color and we got good reviews.

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