Friday, May 8, 2009

5 top BLOGS!

1) Katie Dupree

Katies blog was very interesting and I believe she did a great job.

Craft: She used a good amount of color which made the blog easy on the eye and easy to follow. there is not too much confusion.


It was arranged so that viewers were easily able to access her website and the sceme was varied. She used good formats to make it interesting.


her website is
check it out. it is interesting and it gives plenty of information about her life.

2) James Kline

James did a good job in using a variety of different ideas in his blog. It shows his personality and does not take away from the point he is trying to make.

the arrangement is very successful in that it is easy to view. The colors make it stand out where he wants his images or sentences to show importance.

Cool website!

was here friday at noon but it closed at noon.
I need three points to get an A and it would be really aprecciated!

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