Monday, January 26, 2009

Week 2

Assignment: 25 old ( Lincoln Era)
25 new (my Era)

Craft: The way I did ths was by taking 25 pictures from everyday life andpop culture images in particular. The way i was able to get Lincoln era photos was by looking the up over the internet and gathering 25 extra large images from Lincoln's time.

Composition: The reson I chose these photos as my best i because both were appealing to me. Lincoln is on the battlegrounds in a nice suit while in the backround it is a complete mess with warfare. The nw era picture shows how much change has been made overtime, withcolor pictureand al of the technology that has been invented.

Concept: Basically i would mix them together to show a comparison from Lincoln's time to ur era. It would be interesting to see those three men in anew era sort of environment.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Assignment- Set up blog

